I seriously can’t believe it June. It's really crazy how time flies the older you get it seems. As most summers for me, I manage to keep myself busy by working a bunch and being involved in my church. But something I always find myself looking forward to each summer is camp. When I look back at the end of each year, camp is always a week that I say is one of the highlights of my year. This summer will be my 9th year attending camp at Lake Geneva Christian Center. My 2nd year as a counselor and 7 years attending as a camper. So you might be asking, What the big deal about camp? Well, let me tell you about why I keep coming back year after year.
Tonight I decided to pull together all of my old journals. As I was looking through these journals I would find notes and journal entries from past years of camp. I love reading those letters and seeing where I used to be and where I am now. I actually accepted Christ into my life and my heart at my very first camp experience. The bible that I use to this day is actually a Bible that my Dad bought me the weekend before I left for camp. I’ve tried to buy different bibles in the past few years but somehow I can’t get myself to do it because I love this bible so much. This Bible is one of my most prized possessions.
When I look back on my walk with God, some defining moments I’ve had in my walk have been at camp. Some of my moments at camp have actually just been the start to a certain season in my life. For example, My friend Valeria and I started a bible study on Tuesday nights after a camp experience one year. My experiences with God during the week of camp have been a launching pad for me. It has prepared me to return back to my life to walk out what it looks like to follow Jesus authentically and wholeheartedly. I can’t promise you that I didn’t make mistakes after camp but I can promise you my heart grew more to love others and to love Jesus more. I’ve experience forgiveness at camp, not only extended to me but also I’ve been able to extend forgiveness to others as well. I’ve watched people at camp get healed not only physically but also emotionally.
Another thing that keeps me coming back to camp is the memories that are made with my Anchor fam and all the fun you have. Sometimes, me and my friends talk about past camp moments and it makes my heart so happy. Just overall camp is just such a fun week. Camp is the place where you not only have fun but you grow in your relationship with the lord.
Now why in the world did I say yes to being a counselor two years in a row? Why would I take a week off from work when I have college to pay for? Why would I put everything else in my life on pause for a week of camp? Here my answer for you, Because I’ve seen and I have experienced what God can do in a week of camp. There is something special that happens when you get away from the hustle and bustle of life and it's only you and Jesus (and I mean their other people there too but you get the point). I pray that the students would experience Jesus in a way that they never have before and that they would follow Jesus no matter what it takes. My years of being a camper have deeply impacted me, therefore, I want to give back. I want these students to experience Jesus and watch their lives get transformed by him. I can’t put a price tag on a camp experience. I’m willing to stop my life so I can watch students encounter Jesus and So I can spend quality time with Jesus as well. This is why I keep coming back to camp.
I believe those moments I have had with God at camp have helped shape and mold me into the young woman I am today. But let me tell you a secret, Camp isn’t the only place you can experience God. Yes, Camp is a great place to get away to grow in your relationship with God. But now some of my greatest moments with Jesus aren’t found at a camp or at Minnesota Youth Convention. Some of my greatest moments with Jesus have been in my devotional time, quiet time, talking with a friend and they say something that Jesus uses to speak to my heart, laying in my bed at night or in the morning and just on a regular Sunday or Wednesday night service. I encourage you to go to camp if you can. But just always remember that you don’t have to be at a camp or retreat or a conference to experience God. You can experience God anywhere, just have an open heart to him and be open to listening to him.
Much Love and Much Coffee