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And if not, He is still good


I have officially just finished my sophomore year of college. My parents always say that the older you get the faster time passes by and man are they right about that. I can’t believe that I am halfway through college and one step closer to being a college grad. My sophomore year was an amazing year full of growth and learning as well as God continually showing up and being faithful to me. One of the best things about this school year is that I became friends with an amazing group of gals! (Tera, Abby, and Naz-I love you guys so much). This academic school year was truly amazing filled with awesome opportunities, learning, and growing in my faith.

When I look back at this past school year I see a lot of good moments but there were also moments that I went through that weren’t so good. This past school year I watched my heart get broken in more ways than I ever thought it could. There were moments of getting rejected from internships, people, and a job promotion. I watched as times I had my life together one minute but then the next moment I didn’t have it together.

Something that has sustained me this past year are these words “And if not….He is still good”. I remember during my winter break I had a good friend ask me during a coffee date “Will you still think God is still good even if the outcome isn’t what you want?". I responded right way by saying “Of course I will”. But after that day I remember I started to truly think about those words. Will I still think God is good? Do I truly believe that statement or Do I just say that I do?

This past year I watch God pick up the pieces of my broken heart and put it back together more beautifully done then the time before. I look back on this time last year and I am so proud of how far I have come from this past year. These past few months I have seen many prayers being answered and many blessings spring to life.

On that note, I think it time to discuss my summer plans. As many of you know, I have been searching for an internship for this summer for the last 8 months. I am so excited to announce that I have accepted a Management/Sales internship for the summer at Sherwin Williams. This internship will be taken place in Owatonna.

As well, I will still be interning at my church (Northridge Church located in Owatonna) and serving in whatever capacity I can while I am home for the summer. My job at Caribou Coffee will still continue on but I will be cutting back my hours drastically. I will be working at Caribou full time for the next three weeks until I start my internship at Sherwin Williams at the end of May. Then I will be there one day a week or every once in a while throughout the summer (this part of the plan I am still figuring out).

Then in the fall I will start my junior year of college at NCU and moving into an (on-campus) apartment!

I want to thank my friends and family for praying for me and being there for me these past 8 months. You guys are truly the best.

Today I want to leave you with this, whatever you may be going through I pray that you would believe that God is still good through it all. This past year I learned that you really do have to go through the valleys sometimes to reach the mountain top. And those valley moments are really going to define you and grow you in many ways. You get to choose how you let those valley moments define you. If you are faithful in the valley moments, then God will be faithful to you in the valley and even more on the mountain top.

The best is yet to come!

Much Love and Much Coffee


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