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A few petals later...

Hey, its been a while. Im glad to be back and in writing (no pun intended). When I view the past three months or so, I begin to reflect on whats happened. And like many of us, I tend to look at the roots. The things that were harder to get through. The roots i've had to go through these past few months have been the most difficult yet rewarding. Ive let go, cried...lots, and found something most beautiful. When I begin to write these types of blog posts I recognize who I am and begin to get a little teary eyed. I have had to deal with a tug of war type mentality and learn how to give God the power... once again. He always has the power don't get me wrong, but the choice was mine whether or not I wanted to give it to him within my own life. I had to remember that I was given seeds but to maintain them and grow them was the real key. My seeds were being squished by my mindset that they weren't going to grow because of my perspective.

It's a change in perspective to get this turned around. Do I look at a flower and think "well...that would look better in the ground." I don't know about you but sometimes thats how I see situations and people, at least before this key shift. I would believe that if the problem was pushed away (in the ground) then everything would be okay above ground. Thats not how we were made. We were made to flourish and live out our most wildly blooming lives. Now Im not trying to ignore the roots that happen, because trust me I've had my fair share of roots. But what if we looked at roots the way we looked at flowers? Like both mattered equally.

definition of roots: "the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant"

"The nourishment to the rest of the plant." Eventually, the inward emotions and self image becomes the reflection of the outward parts of you. What is rooted inside of you, can become what others see on the outside. If you say the negatives, you look the negative.

This is what i've come to know these past couple of months. I hope this is a mental click that can help you understand whether you view the world (and yourself) as roots or flowers. God has plans for you. This is why he created you, why he imagined you before you were even put on this earth. Are you going to accept the life of love, peace, and joy or let the roots of your past and hardships control you?


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